Thursday, February 01, 2007

How is Our School

Do you have a big school or do you have a small school? How many kids go to your school?

This question was asked by Amber in Ms. Baber's class, from Virginia, in the Teen Life Wiki in the section of School Environment. In this post I am going to respond that question. From Cartagena, Colombia, from Mr. Hide's class.

Our school is not so big, but its enough size for me. In the school there are about 500 kids, we have 12 grades, in every grade there are approximately 40 kids. In the school we have a soccer field, a basketball court and one that sometimes is used as soccer, kickball, volleyball, or other sports. In the school there is a building of 4 floors, in the first one there are the offices, the nursery, the library, and more offices. In the second floor is the high school class rooms, the computer room for high school and middle school, the principle's office and secretary's office. In the third floor there is middle school class rooms and a computer room for elementary, and in the last floor there are the elementary class rooms.

There is another part of the school were there is 1st and 2nd grade class rooms, another two high school classes, the drama class and the art class. There is a playground for elementary near the 1st and 2nd grade class rooms. Beside the building there is the cafeteria and the lab is in the other side of the building. Seriously the school bought a bigger place and they are starting to built the new school that is planned to be ready in two years, or so... The new school will be twice as big as this one, its going to have soccer fields, baseball field, basketball courts, etc... It is going to be very cool, but its a little far from every ones houses.


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