Friday, October 13, 2006

The Worst Holiday

My worst holiday would be like going maybe to (1.)Tomboctou, India, or Iraq. We needed to go (2.)by car, by ship, or by plain, but we went by plain(the only good thing in the trip). When were in the flight, the plain losses control and it goes down and we land in water, and then we see an island and its abandoned. Another bad holiday is maybe we are going in car to a city of Colombia and the car's gasoline finished, so we need to go to a hotel. The hotel is (3.)old, creepy, and very boring. There wouldn't be computers, TV or someone to do something. We would stay a week there and in the hotel the signal on the cellphones will be dead, so it will be very boring.

Then I would do my homework because in the last day of school (4.)the teacher gave us a worksheet, she explained a project, and she told that the things were for the first day of school.
(5.)Under a pile of garbage, I saw many giant rats. I think there were 7, but instead of seven, there were 10. When my mother told me if I finished my homework I said "(6.)Yes, I finished like ten minutes ago, (7.)but I saw some big rats, when I was doing my homework". She told me that (8.) I need to kill a rat, if I see it. That would be the worst holiday of all.

1. Series of objects
2. Series of phrases
3. Series of modifiers
4. Series of independent clauses
5. Introductory prepositional phrase
6. Introductory no, yes, or interjection
7. Introductory participial phrase
8. Introductory adverb clause


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