Hang Out Places in Cartagena
Do you have any special places where you and your friends can go and have fun?
I found the question in the Teen Life Wiki in the Social Environment section. The question was asked by Anna in Mr. Fisher's class. Now I am going to respond that question, from Cartagena, Colombia.
Here in Cartagena my friends and I have a lot of places we go and have fun. One that is much known is the Campito, there we eat pizza and we play soccer at an artificial field. There is a baseball field too, but we don’t play baseball. The Campito is very important in our society; we go almost every weekend, sometimes we go two times a weekend. Sometimes we go to the movies.
We eat in many restaurants, like El Corral that is a king of Burger King, but Colombian. We go many times to Mc Donald’s too, I am pretty sure everyone in U.S. knows about it. There is another restaurant that is run by the family of a kid in 6th grade; the restaurant is called El Otoyal. I almost forgot Crepes and Waffles, which I like very much.
There are many restaurants; but there are clubs too. One club is called Club Cartagena, there we eat, we go to the pool, and we play soccer. Another is called Club Naval, there are many aquatic activities made there. Like sailing and fishing. Sometimes I go there with my family to lunch. I really like these places.
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