Thursday, November 02, 2006

Response to Maple Street Monsters

The message of the story, explains that people need light to have control over themselves, not only control, it can be friendship, peace and niceness. So the story says that you need to control yourself because you can harm everyone, not only the people you blame, it harms even children. This event occurs in the story because people lose control by trying to find the person that is guilty. Many bad things can happen, for example when Charlie killed Pete Van Horn, so people say the first thing that comes to the minds of the people. So people say that maybe Pete Van Horn wanted to say something important, maybe he was going to tell who was the alien. So all people blame Charlie until another weird thing occurs to another person and people start blaming other people. Another example is when almost all the houses light, so all the people start blaming everyone. So people aren't thinking right of what they say or do.

I think that the message is very well expressed in the story. The message is a very clear way to help humans to maintain control. I think that message is significant in the 21st century because humans don't change within 40 years, but instead of light it can be another things people lose control. I think instead of light it could be computers, cars and electronic things. If there is a power failure now, people don't do those kinds of things, but do others, may be if there is a building and power goes on, all the people of the building would go and talk to the administrator of the building. I accept that a problem would occur in this years, but not such things as getting a shotgun, or blaming people for reasons that aren't clear enough.

I think if The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street would be made for the audience today, it will change a lot. I think if a "meteor" would go into earth, the army would go and see what it is, and if there was a "meteor" going toward Earth, the NASA would detect the "meteor" and the NASA would send a missile to destroy the "meteor" so the "meteor" doesn't destroy Earth. In the blackout, many things would be failing, TVs, radios, video games, DVDs, CD players, computers, and more advanced cars and motorcycles. The people wouldn't be so worried about the meteor or the blackout. The story would be set maybe in Springfield, the story would say a city instead of a street. Tommy would not be ready comic books, instead he would be seeing TV shows about aliens. The story would change a lot if it was passed to this year.


Blogger Paulina A. said...

I think that it would be a great thing for the NASA to send a missile to destroy the meteor before it touches Earth's surface. This would be a great idea to update the teleplay.

Mon Nov 13, 12:32:00 PM  

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