Friday, March 02, 2007

Tactics of Terrorism

Last week I mentioned that I wanted to research about the tactics of terrorism and what the world is doing to prevent those attacks, so this week I am doing it about tactics of terrorism. I was looking in the Internet for info and I found a web page of Wikipedia that told all about it.

Terrorist attacks are usually made to potential fear or/and publicity. The terrorist often use explosives or poison, a great worry about terrorist to use weapons of mass destruction. Terrorism organizations often plan attacks with anticipation, they may train participants, input undercover agents, and make money through organized crime or from supporters. Communication methods may include modern telecommunications like e-mail, or traditional methods such as mail.

All types of terrorist groups have different goals and objectives, but there is one tactic in common that all terrorist groups have, spread the maximum publicity into cities to spread intimidation by generating messages to attain the groups' objectives. Terrorist use violence to make fear in a large part of society; to make a change.

Usually damage is made with an explosive devise although chemical weapons have been used on very few occasions. Another worry can be the use of a nuclear weapon or biological weapons. In the attack of the 11Th of September 2001, planes were used as incendiary tools against the World Trade Center and the pentagon. Terrorist may arrange secondary tools to detonate at a shortly later time to kill emergency personnel that try to attend the dead and wounded at the place were the first device was detonated. Also the secondary tools may be used to stop or delay emergency personnel to arrive in time to heal the wounded, or to help the people that are in danger.

The preparation of major attacks such as the one of September 11, 2001 may take many years, mean while a simple attack depending on the fire arms, may be certainly spontaneous. Terrorists preparing for big attacks such as September 11, 2001 attacks, terrorist changed their appearance to avoid looking radical for the security at the airports.

There have been and there are many training camps for terrorist groups. For the September 11, 2001 attacks, the hijackers took flying courses. The quantity of the training depends on the level of support from many organizations and states, to the terrorist organization. The quantity of training affect a lot on how destructive the terrorist attack is going to affect. The training mainly includes physical fitness, combat or martial arts, firearms, explosives, intelligence, and field craft. More specialized training includes more cover to mix with the people, such as language, cultural familiarization, communications, and surveillance techniques. Almost in every instance the quality of training is extremely high and well organized.

My opinion is basically very simple; I think that the terrorist must have better systems of communications, with more technology. The training part is very efficient and very helpful. So the good cops and every armies must be very careful with what is happening and every move that the terrorist can make, The same as it said in my research, any fire arm attack can be spontaneous, so it can happen in any moment, and place.

I thought a lot about what to do in my next post, but I didn't have to do another one, but I wanted to do it about a terrorist that is still free, and is a leader of a terrorist groups, I wanted to investigate about that.


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